New Faculty Research Fund, NT$150,000, Office of Research and Development, National Cheng Kung University.
New Faculty Research Fund, NT$150,000, Office of Research and Development, National Cheng Kung University.
ME7307: Micromechanics
Graduate Students
The course will present an in-depth analysis of the mechanical response of microscopically heterogeneous media, such as composites and polycrystalline. The main objective will be to develop a methodology for calculating the effective elastic, thermal and electrical properties and response at the macroscale in terms of microscale parameters, e.g., shape and volume fraction of heterogeneities, as well their own constitutive properties. Applications will be presented for continuous fiber and particulate composites, polycrystals and materials which exhibit multi-physics coupling behavior. Course content will be tailored to the needs and goals of the students, with a special focus on research-based problems. The course will have a strong project component, with small student groups allowed to propose appropriate research and engineering topics.

BME7005 & BME7006 : Biodesign (1) & (2)
Graduate Students
The overarching objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive roadmap for identifying, inventing, and implementing new medical devices, diagnostics, and other technologies intended to create value for healthcare stakeholders. The emphasis will be to bridge the fields of medicine, science, law, engineering, and marketing to seamlessly traverse between unmet clinical needs and commercialized products. In all of these disciplines, the idea is to develop a basic understanding of the biodesign subject and to use it for finding solutions to real-world problems in healthcare. Discussions and open exchanges of ideas will be strongly emphasized. The course will have a strong project component to allow students to solve unmet clinical needs by appropriate prototypes with potentiality of commercialization.

ME3303 : Introduction to Mechanics of Composite Materials
Juniors and Seniors
The primary aim for this course is to provide understanding of the fundamental principles underlying the mechanics of composite materials. The course will build on the development of micromechanical and macromechanical relationships for lamina and laminated materials with emphasis on continuous filament, and formulation of fundamental relationships for predicting the mechanical response of multi-layered materials and structures. Students will learn about rule of mixtures, stress and strain transformations, elastic properties of a single orthotropic ply, laminated plate theory, and failure criteria. In all of these areas, the idea is to train students to be able to design composite structures, select composite materials, conduct stress analyses of selected practical applications using laminated plate theories and appropriate strength criteria, and be familiar with the properties and response of composite structures subjected to mechanical loading under static and cyclic conditions.